...someplace, where there isn't any trouble? Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto?

Ausstand/Farewell party

I have begun to hate these farewell parties years ago. It was a PITA to see all these brilliant and nice people go over the course of the years. But even though I am neither brilliant nor a nice guy, I felt obliged to invite my peers to a farewell party on 06/27/2012 during lunch time. Until the day before, only 9 people had acknowledged to participate and I already suspected that this is now the consequence of me being such an anti-social lad throughout the last years. But luckily, it turned out that this was either because of people recently having changed their groupware client to a newer version that they do not yet master sufficiently or simply an Exchange configuration problem. Sort of like 25 people eventually joined the party and it was really some very emotional event.

Please see the pictures from this party using this link.

At the beginning I held a very eloquent speech and the picture where you see Kai kneeling before me is where I promote him to the new mission control supreme commander. After that, my Teamlead, Oliver, held his speech as well and part of it was his request to me demonstrating for the very last time what I always deemed being something way cool: Swallowing a giant chocolate marshmallow in one fell swoop. That's what I always did for the delightment of my peers in the past when someone brought a box of chocolate marshmallows into the office and the only person who always found this really disgusting was Swetlana. Maybe for a reason.

After this fun part was over, the real fun part began: My farewell present. It was the complete "Calvin and Hobbes" edition in English. Cute! Thank you everyone for this nice present.

After that, people enjoyed the wonderful salads and the non-vegetarians have told me, that the meat loaf was delicious, too.

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