Some more playing with Windows Blue Build 9364...

In my previous post about the multimonitor support for apps and the launcher in Windows Blue Build 9364 I was under the impression, that on Windows Blue, the launcher is always located on monitor 1. Oh boy, I was so wrong! When running Windows Blue wit… more »

Playing with Windows Blue Build 9364

The leaked build of Windows Blue Build 9364 looks a helluva lot like Windows 8 unless you run it on multiple monitors. One major difference, however, is that apps and the launcher can now finally run on different monitors at the same time. Another diffe… more »

Quote of the day

"Das ist genau richtig, wenn's Scheiße klingt!" Karl Farrent am 22.3.2013 während des Probens an seinem Arrangement von "Route 66" more »


Diese Frage musste ich mir gerade beim Einkauf im Crailsheimer Netto-Markt in der Haller Strasse von der Dame an der Kasse stellen lassen. Aber weil ich gerade in der Fastenzeit u.a. alle Süßigkeiten auslasse, habe ich auch schweren Herzens auf das Ka… more »
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